Some of the most important sights in Zakynthos.
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The Solomou Square in the evening

The greater Square of Zakynthos town surrounded by very important buildings like the Byzantine Museum of Zakynthos, the church of Saint Nikolaos on the Mole and the Cultural Center of Zakynthos.
Solomou Square, which is dominated by the statue of the Greek national poet Dionysios Solomos, throngs with people on summer evenings, when locals and visitors come here to take a stroll.
The Byzantine Museum of Zakynthos

The Byzantine Museum of Zakynthos is situated in Solomou Square, in Zakynthos town. Here you can admire a rich collection of hagiographies from the Byzantine times to the 19th century, Hellenistic and Byzantine sculpture and statues, and some beautiful icon-stands from the island's churches. The Museum houses, the works of great Zakynthian hagiographers such as Doxaras, Koutouzis, Tzanes, Kandounis and Damaskinos.
The Cultural Center of Zakynthos and the Library

Another imposing building next to church of Saint Nikolaos on the Mole, houses the Cultural Center of Zakynthos and the Public Library, one of the best in Greece with over 50.000 books concentrated. The Library includes a small art gallery, small dolls with local costumes, photographic material and the historical archive of Zakynthos with codices and documents.
The church of Saint Nikolaos on the Mole

Saint Nikolaos it was built in 1561 and is the oldest building on the square. It is the only Venetian building that survived. It is a church of historical value and great importance because the patron saint of the island Saint Dionysios served here.
The statue of Dionysios Solomos, National Poet of Greece

The statue is situated in the main Square of town, that got his name (Solomou Square).
He wrote the "Hymn to Freedom" that become the Greek National Hymn.


Created by P.Pettas, March 2002, Sight-seeings, "Pettas Aps". Thanks for visiting our site .
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